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We're Seeking Proposals for Voting Access Assessments

We are seeking proposals from Nebraska-based non-profit organizations or individual contractors to conduct accessibility assessments of Nebraska’s election websites, ballot drop boxes, county election commission offices, and local DMV offices.  Review the Request for Proposals document including project details.

Amount of Funds Available: $22,000
Project Period: September 27, 2021 - December 30, 2021

Proposals should include...

  • A statement of the capacity of the individual or organization to conduct the work. This should include a brief statement about the experience and qualifications of key staff who will be involved in this project. Please include a description of applicant’s proficiency with Excel.  
  • A detailed workplan setting out specific activities and time-frame in which the work will be conducted. 
  • A line-item budget of expenses necessary to conduct the work, as well as a brief justification for each line-item expense. 
  • Three letters of reference from organizations or individuals who have worked closely with the applicant in the past.

Submission Details

Proposals may be submitted electronically to or via US Mail addressed to the attention of Ms. Judy Sinner, Disability Rights Nebraska, 134 South 13th Street, Suite 600, Lincoln, NE 68508. Submissions must be received by 5:00 P.M. on September 15, 2021.