What We Do
Disability Rights Nebraska is the Protection and Advocacy system for people with disabilities in our state. We protect, support and promote the rights of people with disabilities. This includes people with just about any disability including intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental illness and physical disabilities. With your help we can make a difference. Learn more and get involved.
We offer legal representation, information and referrals to individuals with disabilities and their families.
If you would like Disability Rights Nebraska to give a presentation or training, click here to fill out a form.
To vote in the next elections, you will need to show a photo ID. That can be a Nebraska driver’s license, Nebraska state ID card, Nebraska college or university ID card, any veteran, active military or tribal ID with a photo, a United States passport, or a document from your nursing home or assisted living facility with your name and a photo. If you don’t have an ID right now, you can get a free state ID from your local DMV.
Our Impact
People Helped
Advocates Trained
Individuals Trained
From the Blog
What if the new boss is NOT the same as the old boss? Will your accommodations stay in place? Get tips on employment accommodations from Advocacy Specialist Molly Klocksin in our newest blog post to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
On November 7, Douglas County Health Department in Omaha, NE, is hosting their second annual tabletop exercise specifically for individuals with access and functional needs and local organizations that serve them. Tabletop exercises are designed to help prepare communities to respond more effectively in the case of disaster or emergency. Read more about it in this blog post by guest blogger Caleb Kuddes.